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Showing posts from June, 2016

Weird Weather

  Hello Internet! We have been having the strangest weather here lately! Yesterday, it hailed so hard that it left the dirt in my backyard bumpy. It was a little bit terrifying. One moment I'm enjoying the wonderful afternoon breeze and suddenly I'm being pelted with ice cubes the size of lima beans! And then on Monday, I was at my friend Kayt's house and it started MONSOONING!! Her chickens were going nuts. :) I'm beginning to think that we no longer live in a desert. Anyways, in honor of crazy Mother Nature, I dug out a poem that I wrote a while back for your midnight enjoyment. Hope you like it! Spring The heavy clouds gobble up the scant rays of sunshine, Only letting through their own wet minions. No matter how much of a fight that sunshine puts up, No matter how many times it tries to convince the clouds that they'll finally lose, The clouds still win. The sunshine begins to recede,  Finally accepting the fact that the...

Just a little poetry for your Sunday afternoon :)

Just a few words Some people talk too much and say too little. The words come out, but the information hesitates, Not quite sure if it’s even supposed to be there. Their words are like mountains in comparison to the “average English language.” Reaching to such incredible heights, that no one dares to climb to the top. No one has the guts to fully scale the massiveness of the mountain, or the word. It amazes me that someone who can talk as fast as the wind, Has the innate skill of saying everything and nothing all at the same time. The thoughts come out as syllables. Blank. Empty. Syllables. With no meaning at all. A monotone string of letter, after letter, after letter . . . Wanting to mean something, Wanting to say something important, But never really saying anything at all. ~Julie P.S. What do you guys want to see on here next? Do you enjoy reading my rambles or do you want to see more of my hobbies. I was also thinking about doing one of those ...