Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted to be a writer. I have always loved the idea of writing all my secrets where nobody would ever hear them; the idea of writing what I could never say out loud. Hearts can leak, but books can never be broken. Hearts can be robbed, but books keep fighting and fighting until there is nothing left that’s worth stealing. I developed a sense of “trust” in my notebooks. I loved thought that my words mattered to them. It’s this constant battle you see, one that often throws me amidst the knights and the warlords, and their bloody misunderstandings. That’s all that war really is: a bunch of people misunderstanding each other. There is a rare case or two of people fighting just to kill time, but for all of the other times, there is always a reason. My reason is my "introvertiveness." I hate my definition. I was shy, I was sad, and...